Medela Freestyle Swing Harmony For SALE !

Assalamualaikum All,

Below are various types of Medela and Avent Breast Pumps available in this blog. To get more detail on each breast pump, please click at the picture and you will be directed to the entry of a particular breast pump. Then you will able to read through the information that you required about the breast pump.

If you are interested to buy the breast pump, you can straight away contact me 016-4114421 (ain) or my husband 013-4884421 (yusri). And for those who are interested to buy breast pumps using Credit Card or Paypal, you can click 'Buy Now' button and you will later be directed to the paypal page. For any inquires please contact me or you can leave inquires/questions/comments in the comment box. Do enjoy browsing my blog ya! =)

p/s: Don't forget to sign up as members of this blog and click the 'like' button in the fb fanpage in order to get discount. For more detail regarding promotion please click here.

xoxo =p

Medela Freestyle Breast Pump Hands-free for just RM 1450
Shipping Cost: RM 30 (Semenanjung Malaysia) RM60 (Sabah & Sarawak) via Pos Laju
Status: Stock Available

Medela Pump in Style Advanced Backpack Breast pump for just RM1100
Shipping Cost: RM 30 (Semenanjung Malaysia) RM60 (Sabah & Sarawak) via Pos Laju
Status: Stock Available

Medela Swing for just RM 610
Status: Stock Available
Shipping Cost: RM 20 (Semenanjung Malaysia) RM30 (Sabah & Sarawak) via Pos Laju

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump for just RM 199 
Shipping Cost:RM 10 (Semenanjung Malaysia) RM20 (Sabah & Sarawak) via Pos Laju
Status: Stocks Available

Avent Manual Breast Pump for just RM 189 
Shipping Cost: RM 10 (Semenanjung Malaysia) RM20 (Sabah & Sarawak) via Pos Laju
Status: Stock Available

Avent Single Electric Breast Pump For Just RM 500 
Shipping Cost: RM 20 (Semenanjung Malaysia) RM30 (Sabah & Sarawak) via Pos Laju
Status: Stock Available

Avent Double Electric Breast Pump for just RM 800
Shipping Cost: RM 40 (Semenanjung Malaysia) RM70 (Sabah & Sarawak) via Pos Laju
Status: Stok Available

Prices for breast pumps with 3 months warranty (motor only) + 1 month for other parts (battery and charger)

Medela Breast Pumps
  1. Medela Freestyle Breast Pump (RM 1450) 
  2. Medela Pump In Style Advanced Backpack (RM1100) 
  3. Medela Swing Breast Pump (RM 610) 
  4. Medela Mini Electric Breast Pump (RM 400) - out of stocks
  5. Medela Harmony Breast Pump (RM 199) 
Avent Breast Pumps
  1. Avent Manual Breast Pump (RM 189) 
  2. Avent Single Electric Breast Pump (RM 500) 
  3. Avent Twin Electric Breast Pump (RM 800) 

Prices for breast pumps with 1 year warranty (motor only) + 3 months for other parts (battery and charger)

Medela Breast Pumps
  1. Medela Freestyle Breast Pump (RM 1650)  
  2. Medela Pump In Style Advanced Backpack (RM1450) 
  3. Medela Swing Breast Pump (RM 750) 
  4. Medela Mini Electric Breast Pump (RM 450) - out of stocks
  5. Medela Harmony Breast Pump (RM 199) 
Avent Breast Pumps
  1. Avent Manual Breast Pump (RM 189) 
  2. Avent Single Electric Breast Pump (RM 650) 
  3. Avent Twin Electric Breast Pump (RM 1200) 

Terms and Conditions.

1. Payment should be received before 11.00 p.m. to ensure your order will be posted via poslaju on the next working day.
2. 1 Year warranty for motor ONLY and 3 months warranty for other parts (Effective from 21 July 2013). Warranty will not be issued for the damage caused by user.
3. Warranty is from The cost of postage for warranty claim is paid by the buyers (including the cost of postage from to the buyers).
4. Payment can be done through Maybank, CIMB, BIMB and credit card. Please contact us for bank account detail.
5. Please click BUY NOW button above to purchase using credit card/paypal. 5% processing fee will be charged from the total of price and postage if the payment made via credit card.


  1. Klau sy nak beli, sy dtg trus bole? Bole bg alamat?

    1. boleh untuk self-pick up. sy di perlis. sila contact sy 0164114421 utk berurusan lebih lanjut.

  2. Hi..nk Tanya..I berminat nk dptkan manual breast pump..but between Mandela Dan agent..which one is better..yg tak menyakitkan?..berapa lama temp oh penghantaran? Pls reply tru my email ..tq

  3. Sorry..typing error ..madela Dan avent

  4. Apa beza in style ngan freestyle sis???perlis area mana tu????

    1. Beza instyle dan freestyle ialah motor freestyle lebih kecil manakala motor instyle attach dlm bag. Instyle guna bateri AA manakala freestyle guna rechargeable bateri. Freestyle ada handsfree kit tapi instyle tiada handsfree kit. Sy di perlis di simpang empat.

  5. Salam.nak tnya medela freestYle handsfree rm 1450 masih ada lagi?

    1. Wsalam puan hazreen, stock medela freestyle masih ada, kalau berminat boleh hubungi sy di talian 0164114421.

  6. Salam.nak tnya medela freestYle handsfree rm 1450 masih ada lagi?

    1. Wsalam puan hazreen, stock medela freestyle masih ada :-)

  7. Salam nk tnya pasal Avent Single Electric Breast Pump...apa differences between single electric dgn single electronic breast pump tu?haritu sy ada tgk kt kedai harganya beza.. klo bca kt kotak tu mmg mcm sama je...cuma colour bottle yg dia provide tu pn satu putih jernih n satu lg colour mcm honey...bole tolong explain? tqsm...

    1. sy tanya coz berminat nk beli cuma tak sure apa differences dia...mtk tlg reply ye sis...tq...

    2. salam puan.. maaf lmbt reply. kdg2 terlepas pandang comment. kalau sms sy sure quick response :). utk pengetahuan puan.. avent single electric dan avent single electronic adalah benda yg sama. yg membezakan cuma material yg mcm puan nyatakkn. ada packaging yg guna 100% bpa free botol yg offwhite. yg satu lagi honey tinted. yg honey tinted biasanya mmg mahal sedikit berbanding yg botol or pump warna putih. skrg yg sy ada cuma yg putih. yg honey tinted dah out of stok.

    3. owh...ok..tqsm..dh cnfm nk bli sy sms ye..hihi...bkn tknak sms trus,juz tkut ganggu pulak sbb still survey2 jenis medela or avent ni..tqsm ye.. =)

    4. lagi satu sis,sy nk tnya...klo bateri utk avent ni jenis ape ye?

    5. Avent single electric guna battery saiz AA.

  8. Madela free style warranty mcm

  9. Medela Harmony Pump Diaphragm ade jual x? Diaphragm yang saya guna ni dah rosak

  10. Medela Harmony Pump Diaphragm ade jual x? Diaphragm yang saya guna ni dah rosak

    1. maaf puan stok pump diaphram kami dah abis, insyaAllah lepas raya stok pump diaphram akan sampai.

  11. Salam All, pakej 1 year warranty untuk semua breastpump available sekarang di susuibu2u. tq.



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